Commonfund Asset Management
Enhanced user experiences lead to website success

Commonfund is a nonprofit created to provide investment solutions and educational resources for nonprofits.
The Challenge
Operating with a 5+-year-old WordPress website left users with a faulty user experience, and left Commonfund with frustrations like limited ability to modify website elements, improper technical setup of the site, and poor SEO performance.
The Solution
Blue Frog worked with Commonfund to design a sophisticated user-friendly site that drove engagement and conversion opportunities. By completely overhauling the site’s structure, Blue Frog allowed the website to grow as Commonfund added more offerings to their portfolio, even adding a custom resource center to house downloadable content.
Increase in ranking keywords
Increase in monthly organic search traffic
Increase in conversions
The Results
Enhanced user experience + strategically built out user pathways: With the new website, Commonfund continued to increase their thought leadership presence within the industry while increasing conversions, their organic search traffic, and their rank in keywords.