Do you have trouble bringing traffic to your website? A website can be your business’s most valuable asset if it’s designed properly and nurtured. In fact, your website has the potential to be your #1 salesperson and bring you more leads and customers than any one employee ever could! Without the traffic, however, your website won’t be able to bring you the leads and conversions you want and need to be successful. If your website struggles to attract visitors, you’re not alone. By incorporating these three key elements, you can drive more traffic to your business website!
Are you on social media?
Most businesses today are on social media. It’s expected. If you aren’t sure which social media platforms are right for your business, ask a marketing or social media expert for a recommendation. The most common are Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn. Posting regularly to these platforms will help you reach more people and develop relationships with them. It will give you a voice and help your business establish a personality. Use these platforms strategically to share valuable information and link back to your website. Your website should also have links to your social profiles and social sharing buttons. This makes it easy for visitors to follow or like your social pages and share what they learn from you on their own social profiles for their friends to see.
Have you incorporated search engine optimization (SEO) strategies?
What exactly is search engine optimization? It’s pretty much what it sounds like—optimizing your website to be found as close as possible to the top of results lists on search engines like Google. This is done in part by making all text, links, and tags on your web pages easily accessible to the algorithms search engines use to read your website. An experienced digital marketing firm can assist with this. Learn more about SEO on the Blue Frog blog!
A lot goes into making a website as successful as possible and pushing it to the front of search engine results. One of the most effective ways to do this is by continuously updating your website with fresh, new, useful, and high quality content. Anticipate what people want to learn and find, and then write about it. Also write about what you have to offer and other subjects relevant to your industry and your potential customers. The more people who are searching for and finding your content, the more traffic your website will see.
Do you have a business blog?
One of the best ways to keep your website fresh and constantly growing and improving, giving Google more pages to read and more reasons to send traffic your way, is by blogging! Blogging allows you to continually add new, relevant content without displacing older content on your website. Using specific keyword phrases people are entering in search engines and writing content targeted toward your audience is a recipe for online success. Not only will this improve your SEO, it will also provide shareable content. Blog posts are shared every day on all forms of social media, and the more content shared, the more people you’re getting in front of, increasing your chances of bringing in quality leads.
Des Moines Web Design
There’s no way around it. Increasing traffic and bringing in quality leads to your website is a lot of work, but it’s work that will pay off if done correctly. Blue Frog Marketing has increased traffic for dozens of business websites around Des Moines and across the U.S., helping bring in quality leads and increasing yearly revenue! If you’re interested in joining the growing group of successful business websites, contact us! We would love to get to know you and help your business become as successful as possible through smart website design and inbound marketing.