With smart phones and laptops providing us all the information we need at our fingertips, we aren’t researching and interacting with brands in the same way we used to. To connect with modern users, brands need to continuously update the way they reach out to people, including updating their social media content strategies. Keeping up to date on who’s using which social sites is the first step. To help you out, here’s a quick rundown of the demographics for major social media sites.
Facebook is best used to target Millennials and Gen Xers who are looking for sharable, eye-catching, or viral content.
Twitter is the best used to target young adults who are looking for clear, concise, and current content.
Instagram is best used to target Millennials who are looking for images, short videos clips, and the overall feel of a brand through cohesive visual content.
LinkedIn is best used to target businesses and professionals who are looking for specific industry-related content.
Blue Frog's marketing strategy professionals can you help develop and adapt a marketing strategy for your business. Click the image below to access our free eBook outlining the benefits of outsourcing your social media marketing tasks. Contact us today to learn how you can put our team of graphic designers, website designers, social media marketers, and content creators to work for your brand.