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Top 5 SEO tips in Des Moines

The name of the game with SEO is to be as high on page 1 as you can be. Why is page 1 so important? Studies have shown that 89% of people do not go beyond the first page of Google when searching. So basically 9 out of 10 people will make their choice from the options on page 1. If you are on page 2, you might as well be on page 102. Of those results on page 1, the top ranked result (number one on the first page) captures about 42% of the traffic. The bottom line is you want to rank as high as possible for the keywords you care about. How do you do that you might be thinking? You can call the friendly, knowledgeable team at Blue Frog to help you (shameless plug..... :)) or you can follow the 5 SEO tips provided below.

1. Quality content- Quality content is the key to Google rankings. Search engines want to give users the best possible experience, thus sites that offer relevant information will gain the most visibility (be ranked higher). Google loves to see frequent, fresh content added to your website. A great way to do this is through blogging. If there are certain keywords you would like to rank on, develop a blogging strategy around those keywords and begin posting good content on a consistent basis.
2. Page titles- Well thought out page titles can dramatically enhance a website's usability and SEO. It is key that you put your most important keywords in your page title. Something else to consider, earlier words in the page title carry more weight than later words. So put your most important words first. You also want to make sure your page title tag is something that users will want to click on when they see it in the search results. If it sounds made up, people will be unlikely to click on it.
3. Meta description- Just like the page title, the meta description is information about the web page. It is a brief summary of what you can expect to see on the page. It is important to note that the meta description does not impact search rankings, however it is used within the search results page. The description is included below the page title, thus a well written, compelling description is more likely to get clicks for web users. You want to make sure an keep the description brief (1-2 sentences), and include keywords in your description. Google will usually BOLD the matching keywords from the searc in your description.
4. Header tags- Header tags are an important on-page SEO factor because they are used to communicate to the search engines what your what your website is about. The h1 tag should contain your targeted keywords, ones that closely relate to the page title and are relevant to your content. The h2 tag is a subheading and should contain similar keywords to your h1 tag. Your h3 is a subheading of your h2 and so on. It is important to make sure your header tags are readable and grammatically correct. 
5. Images- One of the easiest ways to optimize the content of a page is to focus on the images. With that said, Google can't see images on your pages, so you have to use the ALT tag. Use important keywords in the alt description, and make sure you do not go for keyword stuffing. Including a good description will increase the odds your picture will show up in related search queries. 
I hope you find these tips helpful for your SEO practices. If you aren't getting the results you are looking for, give us a call at (515) 221-2214 or drop us a line at sales@bluefrogdm.com. We would be happy to help!
Blue Frog

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