More and more business professionals are realizing just how important it is to have a presence on social media. Sometimes not having one says more about your company than having one. Even fitness professionals need to take advantage of social media. Not sure how? Here are a few social media tips for fitness professionals.
1. Establish your brand first.
Social media is a great way to expand your brand, but it’s best to at least have it somewhat established before going social. Once you have a good foundation, then have it go social. Make sure each platform your company is on is a direct reflection of your brand. Maintain consistency across all platforms.
2. Know the social platforms.
Just because a platform exists doesn’t mean it’s right for your business. Take time to research what each one is used for and if your target audience is on there. It may not be worth it to set up a page, and your time will be better spent on other pages.
3. Post relevant content, consistently.
Once you have established your brand and have chosen the platforms that are best for your company, it’s time to start posting. It’s definitely tempting to post all about yourself and your business, but that is a huge mistake. People generally don’t like it when companies do nothing but promote themselves. Doing so will make people more likely to ‘unlike’ or ‘unfollow’ your brand, and you really don’t want that. Wondering what to post on social media? Try incorporating information about current events, your industry, and the community.
When it comes to good content, pictures reign supreme. This is great news for fitness professionals because pictures are easy to post and also really relevant to your industry. You can easily post ‘before and after’ pictures of clients who have lost weight with your help. You can also easily post pictures of exercises or yoga poses that you think people should be doing. Additionally, posting pictures of healthy foods and recipes will help grow your audience as well.
Share success stories! Keep your audience engaged and encouraged by sharing stories from your clients. Ask people to send you their stories and post them. Not only will this show that you know what you’re doing and can get results, but asking for and sharing stories will let your followers know that you really do care about their results.
Along with good content, post calls to action. Even the best posts can become useless if there is no call to action included. A call to action lets the audience know what they should do. Calls to action usually direct people to a landing page on your website, but they can also encourage people to interact with your brand on social pages as well.
4. Make sure you keep SEO and inbound marketing in mind.
SEO (search engine optimization) is important for all businesses. Social media will help with this, but not a huge amount. In order to get the most out of SEO and inbound marketing, consider starting a blog. When writing your blog, use keywords that people might search for when looking for your business. Don’t go overboard though. Overuse of keywords can actually hurt your SEO, so be aware how often you are using those keywords. Blogging consistently about a range of topics related to fitness not only helps with SEO, but it also helps your brand be viewed as an expert in the fitness field.
Social media can be very time consuming when used correctly. If you don’t have time to manage it for your brand, contact Blue Frog. We can help!