The Lily Pad #7: Hopping on the Latest in Social Media & Video Marketing
You have stellar social media campaigns, and you are writing exceptional blog posts, but how can you take the two to the next level? Your blog is where all of your marketing starts, your pivotal social media channel. Blogging isn't always thought as part of a social media strategy, but it’s arguably the most important part. More than ever, today’s blog functions at the center of a good social media strategy. Hence the introduction to how your social media and blog tie together.
You Need Valuable, Quality Content for Both Blogs and Social
A great way to tie your social media and blogging together is to always have high-quality, valuable content on each platform. The two have to be parallel. You can’t write a high quality post on social media about a blog that isn’t high quality and expect to gain viewers.
Repurpose Your Content for Great Social Sharing
How does repurposing blog content benefit me? It’s the perfect way to tie your social media and blogging efforts together. Refresh and renew content that's been popular in the past, and then share each piece of your repurposed content on social media. This gives you the opportunity to get more mileage out of beneficial topics and provides your clients with multiple ways to engage with the content. If you have just launched a new social platform, this is a great time to share older blog posts on the new platform to reach out to a fresh audience and increase viewership.
Put Social Follow Buttons at the Top of Your Website
If you haven’t already done so, integrate social media into not only your blogging but all of your content. Add social media follow buttons at the very top of your website to encourage followers to share as well as bring them to your social media sites. More importantly, this can be a highly effective way of converting visitors into leads.
Use Social Sharing Buttons on Your Website and Each Blog Post
Social sharing buttons are just as crucial as social follow buttons. They help increase your social shares and get more clicks and visits to your page. They allow the reader to easily share your blog with others on their preferred social media channels. You decide which platforms to use for social sharing buttons – Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn are effective for many businesses. Use the social platforms that are best suited to your particular type of content.
Always Share Your Posts
To some, this seems like common sense, but many authors don’t take the opportunity to share what they write. Don’t ever hesitate to share a blog post. You want people to visit and read your thoughts, ideas, or advice. If you have old articles that are relevant to the new content, incorporate links to those within your post as well to get even more of your content in front of your viewers.
Engage with Clients Both on Your Blog and Social Media
The key element to engaging with potential clients is to use your blog as well as your social media outlets. Most businesses think the best way to engage with clients is through social media networking. While this notion has some validity, but it doesn’t stop there. It’s crucial for businesses to engage potential customers in multiple ways, and social media and blogging are both integral to a comprehensive online strategy. Try organizing a fun, creative way for viewers to share content with online family and friends!
For more breaking social media and video marketing news and updates, make sure to check here every Friday.
If you have any social media or video tips that'd you'd like to share or examples of viral posts that you love? Let me know each week in the comments, or email me at khalverson@bluefrogfm.com.
You can also find us on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram.
Content Marketing Services in Des Moines & Denver
Blue Frog’s content professionals can help you with quality content creation in Des Moines, Denver, Oregon, and wherever else your business does business! Our professional writing team will help you with all your content needs: creating great downloadable content, creating quality content for your website and social media accounts, and helping you develop your content marketing strategy. Contact us today!