Motion graphics; two broad words combined to create a broad phrase. What exactly are motion graphics? No official definition currently exists, but Wikipedia sums it up pretty well: Pieces of digital footage or animation which create the illusion of motion or rotation, and are usually combined with audio for use in multimedia projects.
To put it a little more simply, motion graphics are graphics in motion. As the digital age progresses, motion graphics continue to rise in popularity and presence within visual media. In this article, we’ll go through a few of the many ways that motion graphics can benefit your company’s marketing efforts.
Visual Appeal
Motion graphics can help you break away from the typical interview or corporate promotion video filled with stock footage. By following current trends in animation and design, motion graphics are an up-to-date and fresh way to represent your brand. Motion graphics have few limits; if you can visualize it, it’s probably attainable. Making your message visually appealing to potential leads increases the likelihood that they will grasp and retain it.
Efficient Communication
We live in a world of visual communication. Information that could take hours to grasp in writing can be simplified into a brief, easily digestible motion graphic. Incorporating motion graphics into your marketing is a modern, cost-efficient way to present ideas, charts, graphs and products or services by using purposeful movement to tell the story you need to tell.
User Engagement
Animated gifs and videos have been shown to be more effective than plain text or still images in gaining shares on social media, and web-based motion graphics can help guide users smoothly through your website. Elements that react to users’ decisions reinforce their interactions, creating a more memorable browsing experience.
Get Movin'
Motion graphics can help you solve a wide range of problems if you plan, create, and utilize them appropriately for your goals. Here at Blue Frog, we provide professional motion graphics services. Check out our Video Production Services page to learn more about our multimedia offerings.