LinkedIn is the preferred social media network of business professionals, especially in Des Moines. If you strive to succeed in the corporate environment you must pay attention to your LinkedIn profile.
The problem in looking for information about improving your LinkedIn training and profile is that there is so much information available to the average “Googler” that most people tend to get become overwhelmed quickly. You can get lost in a sea of connections and groups before you even get anything accomplished on LinkedIn.
The good news is LinkedIn is easy to use once you know what you are doing. With 161 million business professionals using the social network, it is a valuable tool to utilize. You can easily use this information to improve your LinkedIn profile.
If you are ready to get the most out of LinkedIn in, then read below for seven quick and easy LinkedIn training tips:
1. Understand the value of your profile
Your Des Moines LinkedIn profile can make or break your career, can find you job opportunities, and can display your value to the higher-ups at your current gig. By not giving LinkedIn the time and effort the network deserves, you could be doing yourself a great disservice. Click for More
2. Create a catchy headline
You do not want to come off dull in any area of your LinkedIn profile. This is especially true with your headline. Develop an exciting and interesting headline. Your headline should be catchy and help you sell yourself to all who view your profile. Make sure to add your industry below your headline as well.
3. Add a professional photo
A no-brainer, but you should have a professional head shot on your profile. The key word in this phrase is ‘professional’ as many people make the mistake of having a sloppy photo as their profile picture on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a business social network. Your goal is to appear as professional as possible.
4. SEO your profile text
When writing your profile text on LinkedIn you will want to use basic search engine optimization tactics in your writing. This will help your profile show up in searches when headhunters are looking for new hires. If you do not show up in searches, you do not exist. Think of a few keywords that are specific to your industry and make sure to include each one a few times in your text.
5. Be specific
It’s important when describing yourself on LinkedIn that you are specific in all areas. Do not just list your job titles. Tell other LinkedIn users exactly what you did while you had the role. Do not just list where you got your degree. List exactly what your major was, your GPA, and any other relevant information.
6. Join all 50 groups you are allowed to
Make sure to join the 50 groups LinkedIn allows you to. Join groups that relate to your industry, but don’t be afraid to join groups a bit outside your realm of expertise either. You will want to join groups where your target market is hanging out to get a jump on the competition and to connect with those involved in the industry.
7. Publish posts
You’ll want to publish relevant posts to your industry and career frequently on LinkedIn. These posts serve two purposes. First, you will position yourself as an expert in your industry if the content you are posting is engaging and relevant. Second, by posting you will begin to get noticed.