We recently gave you five ideas for generating blog topics for your business. Now that you’ve had a chance to give those a try, here are five more! Consistently creating new, engaging website content that’s valuable to your target customers is a powerful way to attract strangers to your brand, build trust and authority, and lead them down the path to becoming loyal customers and brand ambassadors.
1. Spread the word about your community involvement.
People love supporting businesses that benefit the larger community. If your business has made charitable donations, raised funds or provided services for community organizations, or otherwise contributed to the wellbeing of those outside your company, tell the world about it! Not only will it build esteem for your brand among potential customers; it can also gain you the attention and respect of prominent community and business leaders.
2. Write case studies.
Case studies provide stories of your successes with real customers. Ask a cross-section of your satisfied customers for permission to share the story of how you were able to help them succeed, and aim to create case studies that represent each of your buyer personas. In this way, you are able to create connections with the various types of people who make up your ideal customers by telling stories that resonate with each. For example, Blue Frog has published case studies of clients in the real estate, construction, home services, legal, and cannabis industries to illustrate some of the range of businesses we’ve helped to succeed. Showing potential customers exactly how you’ve helped people like them is one of the best ways of demonstrating your value.
3. Debunk myths.
In nearly every industry, there are common misconceptions. What are they in yours? A headline that confronts people with the idea that something they think is true is actually wrong naturally draws them in. No one likes being misled, and being the one to give them the real scoop helps to build trust and credibility.
4. Warn them about the bad guys.
There’s always someone out there trying to make a quick buck without regard for the value they’re providing. Show them you’re above board by calling out the tricks used by the shadier elements in your line of business. People like transparency. By showing them what to look out for, you give them the tools they need to verify that your business is reputable and trustworthy.
5. Keep track of questions that real prospects and clients ask you.
Your own customers and leads can be the most valuable source of topic ideas you have! When you’re trying to gain search engine rank, the first question you need to answer is, “What are my potential customers asking online?” When you have a good idea of what they’re typing into search engines, you can build content that directly responds to those queries, attracting them to your site with great answers. By keeping track of real questions that people ask you in the course of business, you build a quality source of topics for online content that your audience will value.
Content creation is time-consuming work. If you find you simply don’t have the time to create the steady flow of quality content that’s necessary for the success of your online marketing strategy, Blue Frog can help! We can simply take writing off your plate, or we can help you design a comprehensive online marketing strategy that attracts website visitors, engages them with your brand, and helps you to convert them to leads and customers. Click below to access our free eBook outlining the benefits of outsourcing your online marketing to the pros.