Right now, Twitter has over 284 million monthly users. With that huge of a number, your business simply can’t afford to ignore this social media platform. In fact, here are 10 reasons your company should be on Twitter.
1. Twitter is universal.
Unlike other social media platforms such as Instagram, Pinterest, and LinkedIn, Twitter can be used effectively for all types of businesses. Twitter isn’t geared specifically towards crafters, artists, or business professionals. Anyone and everyone can be on it.
2. It’s free.
There is absolutely no cost associated with joining Twitter, so it is a great way for your business to get its name out there without any expense. There’s no such thing as a premium profile like LinkedIn has. On Twitter, all profiles are created equal.
3. No algorithms.
As most people are aware, Facebook has algorithms that make it impossible for all of your fans to see everything your company posts in their newsfeed. On average, only 6% of your Facebook fans see any given posts. With Twitter, all of your followers that have you in their newsfeed have the potential to see what you’ve posted. Twitter does not filter out any of the content that you’ve posted.
4. It’s easy.
Since you are limited to only 140 characters, you don’t have to take long to think of something to say. Simple, to the point thoughts or quotes are enough.
5. It’s in real time.
Unlike Facebook, everything you post on Twitter is sent to your followers newsfeeds immediately. That means if you are having a flash sale, you can easily post something like “Come in within the next hour for a discount!” and people will see the message soon enough to actually come in and take advantage of it. With Facebook’s strange and ever-changing algorithms, fans might not see that post until later that day, after they’ve already missed the sale.
6. Connecting is easy.
Connecting with followers couldn’t be easier. You’ll get a notification every time someone mentions your company in a tweet, or whenever someone favorites something you’ve sent out. You get the notice immediately, so it is easy to respond right away. It’s also great to know when other users are talking about your company so you can be aware how things are going and how customers view you.
7. It has remained mostly the same.
Over the years there have been a few tweaks and upgrades done to Twitter. Most of them have been pretty minor though. Facebook seems to change things all the time, so it can be very difficult to keep up with. I like to think of Twitter as ‘ole reliable’ because it never seems to change.
8. Everyone’s doing it!
These days, it says something if your company isn’t on this platform. It says that you’re not up to speed on what the rest of the world is doing. Even The Pope is on Twitter!
9. You can reuse content without most people noticing.
Since tweets are sent out right away, you can definitely use content more than once, because there’s a chance your audience missed it. Just make sure you schedule it at least a few hours apart. If you are reposting something on a different day, post it at a different time. You’re more likely to reach different people by doing this.
10. You can create lists.
I think lists are one of the greatest features that Twitter has. When you follow someone, you can easily add them to a list with other, similar users. For example, I have a list that is just for marketing people. I also have one devoted to people and businesses in the Des Moines area. This makes it easy to pay special attention to certain users and not have their tweets get mixed in with everyone else’s.
If you have decided that your business was destined to be on Twitter, but you don’t have the time, click here to let us know how we can help you.